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전부 픽뚫 진짜 버그야!!!
비록 첫발에 불과하고 앞으로도 갈 길은 많이 남았지만, 빠른 국가의 정상화를 기대할 수 있게 되었습니다.
불안은 이제 한발짝 뒤로 물러나게 되었습니다.
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4주 동안의 수습과정인데 실제 중세시대 행정관이더라도 고개를 절레절레 흔들 만큼 매주 다사다난합니다.
UI는 단순한 편이며, 상단에 표기된 민심, 질서, 군사, 물자, 인내심을 신경쓰며 플레이해야 합니다.
가감되는 수치는 몇 번 실수해도 금방 나락으로 떨어지지 않을 정도로 후한 편입니다.
또한 이전 챕터부터 재시작을 하면 기본 값 (각 요소 40)은 유지된 상태로 시작하는 등 다소 편하게 즐길 수 있긴 합니다.
엔딩은 총 11개로, 인맥을 잘 관리하거나 특정 요소 충족 실패 등으로 달성할 수 있습니다.
엔딩을 모두 수집하는데 4.5시간이 걸렸네요.
켠왕했더라면 더 빨랐을 테지만요..
1엔딩 (진엔딩): 위대한 자 - 유배된 왕실 의사 고용,
2엔딩: 나락으로 - 떠돌이 의사의 배신
3엔딩: 꺾여버린 꽃 - 후원자 루트 실패
4엔딩: 범부 - 주요 캐릭터 도움 없이 수습기간 종료
5엔딩: 썩은내 - 도적 출현 주간에서 악덕상인과 결탁
6엔딩: 광기의 습격 - 광인 출현 주간에서 광인 무리에게 살해당함
7엔딩: 죽음의 향기 - 역병 출현 주간에서 공략에 필요한 질서 미충족
8엔딩: 연약한 소인배 - 도적 출현 주간에서 공략에 필요한 군사 미충족
9엔딩: 아귀지옥 - 지진 출현 주간에서 공략에 필요한 물자 미충족
10엔딩: 주제파악 - 총독 인내심 0 도달
11엔딩: 무능함의 표본 - 게임 플레이 도중 민심, 질서, 군사, 물자 중 하나 0 도달
각 주가 끝날 때마다 약간의 여운을 주며 마치게 됩니다. 1~4주의 순서는 무작위로 정해집니다.
4주까지 무사히 넘겼다면 에필로그가 기다립니다.
플레이 중에는 자원관리의 중요함을, 진엔딩을 볼 때는 인맥의 중요함을 느끼게 됩니다.
주요 캐릭터가 출세길에 영향을 주게 되는 거죠.
후원자가 없더라면, 구원의 손길이 없더라면, 멋진 미래가 그려지기 어렵다는 교훈을 줍니다.
도움의 손길에 기대지 않고 4주의 수습기간을 마친 4엔딩이 범부로 취급되는 건 아마 자원관리의 중요함만 생각해서였는지도 모르겠네요.
I defeat it with Nella,Nomad Eve,Caren and Rey, i didnt use any item from Caren shop but make sure of 2 things :
1 . decrease the contamination to 100% by defeating all mobs on the floor the boss is
2. by any mean do a AOE
The fight is quite simple you just soulburn with both Nella and Nomad Eve for the healing( my Nella has the defense up buff during burst is from weapon), if you have a acceptable stats the max that will happen is close to the end Nella dying but using the accessory to revive you will be able to revive the entire team with no worry, I just need to stress again don't do Aoe attacks to not proc Caren s2( in that case the Aoe attack is from the link chan burst, don't use it)
본편 너무 재미있게 진행중이라서 유료DLC까지 구매했어요.
스토리 DLC는 엔딩 이후에 적용되는 건가요?
아직 레벨 20따리인데 스토리 보는 맛이 일품입니다. XCOM 시리즈 팬으로 이 게임도 너무 재미있게 즐기고 있어요.
60%확률이 계속. 미끄러지고 40% 50%확률이 다 깨지고 이게임이 과연 정상인가 아무리 봐도 비정상인데 ;;
게임을 재밌게 만들 생각을 해봐요!! 그럼 알아서 굴러가지 온틍 머리속에 유저들 주머니 털 생각만 하지말고 ..
현 220명잇습니다 ㅎㅎ 놀러오셔도되요 ㅎㅎ
계정선물 뜨기전에 미리 구하고있는데
어떻게 추석스킨 아바타 가지고 있는사람이 없누
need team :)
Operator Sigret
S1 - Incision
Attacks the enemy with a scythe, and grants stealth to the caster for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's Speed.
S2 - Annihilation
Batters the enemy with a scythe. Grants an extra turn and decrease this skill cooldown by 1 turn when the enemy is defeated. Penetrates the target's Defense by 50%, or by 100% and ignore Penetrate Resistance when the target is granted a barrier. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's Speed.
S3 - Obliterate
Calls in drones to attack all enemies, with a 100% chance each to decrease buff durations by 1 turn before decreasing Combat Readiness by 20%. Increases Attack of all allies for 2 turns. When the target is granted a barrier, ignores Barrier and Effect Resistance. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's Speed. For each target with barrier granted, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%.
Ignore Barrier : deal damage to health without damage a barrier
EE - ATK+14%
S2 : If the target is granted a barrier, increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns before use Annihilation
Archdemon's Shadow
S1 - Touch of Chaos (+1 Focus)
Has a 75% chance to seal the enemy for 2 turns, before attacking with lightning.
Burn Effect: Increases effect chance to 100%, ignoring Effect Resistance. (-10 Souls)
S2 - Twisted Power (Passive)
Does not cost any Souls to activate the caster's first Soulburn. Increase Effectiveness by 30%. At the start of battle, grants the caster Archdemon Power for 2 turns. After using Touch of Chaos, has a 35% chance to activate Burst. Effect is doubled when target is sealed or feared.
Burst: Attacks all enemies, with a 60% chance to decrease Hit Chance for 1 turn, inflicts injuries, before increasing the caster's Combat Readiness by 25% and gaining 1 Focus. Injuries increases proportional to damage dealt and can reduce Max Health of the target by up to 8%.
Archdemon Power : Decreases damage suffered by 20%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. Has 50% chance to dispel one buff before attacking and additional 50% when using Touch of Chaos or Dissolution (only 50% for Burst). This buff can't be dispelled.
(The dispel effect from Archdemon Power is applied before Seal)
S3 - Dissolution (consume 5 Focus)
Grant the caster Archdemon Power for 3 turns before attacks all enemies with the power of Ilryos, inflict decrease Defense for 2 turns, and Fear for 1 turns. Grants the caster an extra turn. This skill cannot trigger a counterattack.
Closer Charles
S1 - Elimination
Sharply cuts the enemy. Damage dealt increases proportional to the target's lost Health. When used on the caster's turn, if the caster is granted perception, uses Demolition instead of Elimination.
Demolition: Attacks the enemy with a sword and absorb some damage as Health. Damage dealt increases proportional to the target's lost Health. When the enemy is defeated, decreases cooldown of Descent by 1 turn and extent increase Evasion by 1 turn. This attack does not trigger a Dual Attack.
S2 - Closer
When there are three or fewer enemies, damage dealt increases as enemies become fewer. After an ally except for the caster attacks, if the enemy's Health is less than 30%,dispel all debuffs and increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50% and grants perception for 2 turns. Can only be activated once per 2 turns.
(+20%/40%/60% more damage vs 3/2/1 enemies respectively)
EE - SPD+10
S2 - When suffered from a non critical hit, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%.
Little Queen Charlotte
S1 - Judgment
Attacks with a giant sword before granting the caster immunity for 1 turn. When the target's a Dark elemental Hero, inflicts additional damage proportional to the caster's Attack.
S2 - A Queen's Dignity
Decreases damage suffered from a critical hit by 30%. Decreases damage suffered from a critical hit for all allies except for the caster by 15%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 15% when the caster suffers a critical hit.
S3 - The Will of La Mare
Smashes the enemy with a sword and attacks. When the enemy is defeated, inflicts extinction. Penetrates Defense by 50%. When the target's a Dark elemental Hero, increases damage dealt, ignore Penetrate Resistance, damage reduction effect and inflicts additional damage proportional to the caster's Attack to all enemies except for the target. Recovers Health of the caster proportional to damage dealt.
EE - ATK+14%
S2 - When the caster suffers damage from Dark elemental Hero, dispel one debuff from the caster.
Fallen Cecilia
S2 - Strong Instinct
Immune to Seal and Provoke. Grants a barrier for 2 turns to all allies at the beginning of battle, and grants a barrier for 2 turns to the ally with the lowest Health at the end of the caster's turn. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's max Health. Decreases damage suffered for all allies by 20% if ally is granted a barrier. If the caster is granted special barrier, immune to all debuffs. After attacking, inflicts additional damage proportional to the caster's and allies' barrier.
S3 - Spear of Resentment
Attacks all enemies in an explosion of spiteful emotions, provoke all enemies for 1 turn. Grants all allies Skill Nullifier and grant a special barrier to the caster for 2 turns. Barrier strength and damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health.
Special Barrier : Neutralizes some of the damage taken when attacked. Can't be dispelled. (same as Wyvern's barrier)
If new barrier granting and special barrier is granted, increase special barrier (count as normal barrier)
EE - Health+14%
S3 - Dispelling all debuffs from the caster before activate Spear of Resentment.
Desert Jewel Basar
S3 - Bastet Roar
Bastet roars, dispelling all debuffs, recovering the Health of all allies and granting immunity for 3 turns to all allies, before increasing their Combat Readiness by 30%. When this skill is available, decreases damage suffered by 30% and increase Effect Resistance by 80%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. Amount recovered increases proportional to the target's max Health and the caster's Attack.
Top Model Luluca
EE - SPD+10
S3 - Does not cost any Souls to activate the caster's first Soulburn.
FCC buff idea
Add Mort's S3 effect on FCC's S3 instead of provoke
S2 - add immunity to unbuffable
ArchD buff idea
exclusive buff that would provide survivability
I think OP Sig doesn’t really need such extensive changes.
Simply increasing her damage multiplier, giving her an attack buff, and allowing her to ignore damage sharing before using her S2 would suffice. As for her S3, maybe adding a self-stealth effect for 3 turns would make her more effective.
Regarding penetration resistance, I don’t think it should exist.
Achdemon Mercedes looks strong, but I think she will still be underwhelming. She’s packed with effects that don’t achieve much. Instead, I think she needs something more focused, like this:
- **S2:** If no enemies are sealed at the end of any turn, increase her Combat Readiness by 30%.
Keep the dispel effect but integrate it as a passive (rather than a special buff) and maintain the injury effect from her extra attack. Her special buff doesn’t seem necessary.
Her protection mechanism should also be a passive ability—like reducing critical damage taken, for example.
LQC (Little Queen Charlotte) could use a small tweak:
- Add an attack buff before attacking with S3.
- Have her S3 ignore 70% of defense and reduce its cooldown by 1 turn if she defeats a Dark-elemental hero.
She doesn’t need massive changes, just improvements to help her excel at her intended role.
As for Closer Charles, I don’t own him, so I have no comments there
Fallen cecilia is overbuff..
Just give her light achates s3 treatment, remove 2 debuff from all ally and immune to skill that prevent movement. I think she good.
Tho light acha s3 treatment kinda busted too.. hmm
prevent movement again? It's too many already. The reason I give her immune Seal and Provoke is because she is provoke queen in the past and her lore against ML Luna. Also her special barrier still need her to get turn and S3, not from battle start. But all debuffs immune is too strong, it removeable I think. Her weakness is unable to be buffed.
S3 remove 2 debuffs is strong too and too similar to ML Ilynav.
ArchDemon : The reason I move stat into her special buff is because too many effect in it, so I think it's need some nerf. In her S2 already add 1st free ** and +30% Effectiveness.
The dispel effect that affect all attacks and no hit need is strong and also buff her damage reduction from only Cri to all because Light heroes deal many non cri damage lately.
OPS and LQC will never be use without ignore Pen Res. The damage increase doesn't help them at all as long as ML Ilynav around and she is everywhere. Also she just stand there for Pen Res while LQC need target to be Dark and OPS need barrier target. That's why I think it's fair for their ignore pen. The 30% Pen Res is too effective, it isn't 30% damage reduce but like 50-60%+ reduce.
Another way is massive damage buff instead of def pen like Fenris S3. Remove her def pen and increase her multiplier from 1.5 to 2.2 and 3.5 if target is Dark or barrier like that.
My version of DJ.Basar rework in 2022 (Basically predicted Zio S2 effect):
Jenua, ml Senya, ml Luna, ml Ilynav and finally Harsetti obsoletes most of old heroes. Buffing instead of reworking OP.Sigret, LQC, FCC or TML won't do.
As for Closer Charles... I doubt if anybody cares about him.
Nevertheless, my version of LQCrework:
[ S1 - Resolve for Blade ]
Attack an enemy.
Penetrates Defense by 50% if this skill is used within the first second of the caster's turn.
[ S2 - Duel Etiquette ] CD: Passive
By the name of a dignified duel, allies receive 20% (40% for the caster) less damage from enemy heroes who are NOT at their Mirror Position.
At the start of battle and at the end of the caster's turn, grant Immunity to the caster for 1 turn.
//Includes DoT damage and additional damage
[ S3 - Vendetta ] CD: 3 Turns
Attack an enemy, Penetrates Defense by 50%.
Restore health proportional to damage dealt.
Ignore self debuffs and target buffs against Dark Elemental heroes.
I don't buff heroes just for Harsetti. Also LQC and TML is work.
LQC is still good but her main issue is ML Ilyinav. So I add ignore Penetrate resistance if target is Dark hero. She has her place to use and no rework need at all. Just buff what she need.
TML can use in RTA. Yes, she is hard to build and lack of speed compared with later heroes. But with EE SPD+10, it's good enough to use her as opener and the free soulburn S3 + AF+DMG will help her lack of damage to one shot mid tank heroes.
"As for Closer Charles... I doubt if anybody cares about him."
I use him almost every match in RTA but yes, just for skin. He is my main and I build him as opener. Opener with team CR push that isn't non attack skill is a push for me. Most players underestimated his speed. So EE speed+10 surely help him same as TML. Another issue is lack of ability to survive, and that's why I add S1 absorb heal. At first I give EE with skill +30% Evasion but I adjusted because I don't want another cancer 100% evasion.
Also buff hero against Harsetti isn't easy. With too high Effectiveness, RNG speed turn order and no CR increase in her turn. It's too hard for me to think an idea for this because it's hard to add new game mechanic and surely no other hero will go first like Zio. So I will give that job to SG to fix issue and add new cancer.
Operator Sigret, I know that she is out of meta but we sure to rework her and remove barrier killer from the game and left only Arunka alone? I just doubt it.
Ml illynav work as intended, should ban her instead rather than creating something like ignore pen resist
I can see your RTA playstyle. To be fair, why use TML and LQC instead of Jenua who is on another power level? It's much harder to kill a hero than before thanks to ml Senya and ml Ilynav so the Extinction doesn't matter as much.
Likewise, Closer Charles is busted by MG.Lilias. Not even close. RTA gives you a reason to use those weaker heroes when the overpowered ones are banned - Which grants a little usage to them but the balance problem is still there.
LQC is the worst one among your mentions. She has bad survival, her S2 does not fit her playstyle well, and not enough reward for surviving.
How to buff hero against Harsetti? See below.
There could be " ignore pen resist " on old flat 100% penetration heroes like Water/Light Krau and Yulha. ML Ilynav shuts down these heroes completely - meanwhile, those crit penetration heroes are at least still usable against ML Ilynav.
However, greedy SG will soon put that feature on crit penetration heroes if it's implemented.