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크로니콘 세일을
스토브 앱 출석 5000원 상품 터짐
지금2단계인데 토벌을 종류별로 110판씩 쳐돌라는건 누구대가리에서나온거죠 다른분들은 다하셨나요 행력아까운데
네트웤 오류메시지 201 1시간마다 계속뜨네여..아직도 이거 안고침?
1.서버 전보스 통제티리오사무덤 2,3층 통제 죽음대지 1,2층 통제수로 통제서버중립들은 필드밖에사냥못하는중. 2.서버 전보스 통제다른 통제 모름3.서버 정보없음4.서버전보스 통제 나머지 통제없음5.서버전보스 통제 던전 일부통제?서버중립들 거진말라감.6.서버 베나 ,비오, 에고 통제풀림나머지 보스통제나머지 통제없음7.서버전보스 통제3개혈연합중 막피등심하다고함아직 네드라 제대로못잡음.8.서버전보스 통제나머지 통제없음9.서버 전보스 통제나머지 통제없음10.서버전보스 통제티리오사무덤1층제외한 던전통제여기저기 커뮤등에서 본내용을 모아서 작성한거라 정확하지는 않음..댓글들 주시면 매일 업뎃할깨요 모리안 중립형들 정보들 많이 남겨주세요 .
연기 없이 출시되길 기원합니다.
이름아이디는 작장이라고 패는 분위기라 닉네임 변경권이 필요할거 같은데혹시 계획 나온거 있나요?
안녕하세요. 이벤트 매니저입니다.ㅎㄷㄷ 2024 : 한가위 대박쎄일 대잔치가 시작되었습니다! 🍂ㅎㄷㄷ2024 바로가기 >> 달님🌛 이런 아이디어 어때요~?스토브에게 바라는 점 하나부터 백까지, 소원을 말해주세요!1) 이벤트 참여 기간9/12(목) 16:00 ~ 9/22(일) 23:59 2) 이벤트 참여 방법① 스토브 스토어에 바라는 점 또는 개선되면 좋을 아이디어 고민하기 🧐② 본 게시물의 댓글을 통해 소원 빌기🙏 (소원은 횟수제한🙅♀️ 바라는 만큼 OK~!)ㄴ댓글 예시) 달님, 스토어가 ㅇㅇㅇ되도록 해주세요! 런처에서 ㅁㅁㅁ할 수 있게 해주세요..!3) 이벤트 참여 혜택🎁 무료 게임 교환권 (당첨 1명) ※ 무료 게임 교환권은 100% 할인쿠폰으로 지급됩니다.4) 이벤트 당첨 발표10/7(월) 스토브 스토어 이벤트 공지 및 커뮤니티를 통해 발표 예정 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다~!
where is our 5k skystone with selector too
be fair
proof smilegate is china company
SmileGate, y'all made a big mistake by bringing E7 into China. Now look what you've reap and sowed. Good luck calming the fan base with the favoritism amongst server!
Atleast if you're bringing a game towards other countries, try to research the background about said country, so all of us doesn't deal with this so-called "political preconception" bullsh.it.
What do you mean we are "dealing with it". CN got rewarded for being a crybaby, but be for real no one got punished or affected in game.
We are envying a server thats 4 years behind in anni rewards and events, no past collab units, and missing half the roster lol. If I could trade places with a CN player I wouldn't😂
Expect nothing less tbh, south Korea North Korea same thing, wiggle their tail for china .
So Sad have some dignity
Firstly, thank you for representing this game in China. However, your company's political preconception should not be reflected in games that bring joy to players. Your mistake has disappointed us. If your company decides to continue with such political preconception, please leave China with your game.
Pleaseeeeee do , sick of you ppl.
What make u think everyone like u and welcome u with open hand?
It's not a political preconception lol. It's how the government view Taiwan. If you dislike it, try ramming the South Koreans with your rented out truck lol
I am a Chinese player. In fact, we do not care about those compensations, because this matter involves a very serious political issue. Smilegate 's acknowledgment that Taiwan is a formal country is tantamount to provoking all Chinese in mainland China, because Taiwan Province is an inseparable part of China, and those extremists are equivalent to cult forces in other countries.I am disappointed and angry about the company 's negligence and I hope to see the apology statement and compensation in the international server.
Do u hear yourself, sound absolute like those crazy as partner.
Again we are a free country so u say what u want , does china let u do that? Why do u use VPN to play game?
Wtf do u mean we are inseparable just who the **** agree? ******* delusional
Cry all u want go back and cry to your Winnie the poop, no one beside ur china fella give a crap about what u think really
hhahaha as a global server player i would prefer not receive any compensation if that means that SG doesnt apologize.
Keep crying. Only you guys made this political.
I'm an American player, and I don't care about your whining and posturing between China and Taiwan. However, I don't like getting a useless +11 summons while you get 5K skystones and a limited 5 Star summon that nobody else gets. Stick to enjoying a game, not ragebaiting over politics that don't even impact your day-to-day life.
Nobody cares about your brainwashing. Taiwan is a country. Cry louder.
This is some disheartening behavior on part of SG. That, in addition to the free pulls and skin tickets that only CN got during last year's anniversary, just goes to show how much a corporation is willing to bend down in order to please a certain country.
wtf is this bs
This makes me not wanna spend money anymore lol
Yuikooo for president
Looks like Epic 7 likes to slurp West Taiwan dick. I'm done spending money on this game, or even playing it. Why even try when West Taiwan players can get selectors and 5000 skystone just because they feel angered over such insignificant things? Are we now catering to political extremists? Can we assume Smilegate is in support of communism? Pretty shameful for a Korean company to bend to West Taiwan's demands with all the history considered. Things have been pretty rough already for the game, but it's shiet like this that makes me lose all motivation to continue supporting a shiet company.
Truth is they won't even care even when you leave, since they have another source of income, which is these snowflakes Chinese as.shol.es
Smilegate really doesn't care about other players huh, showing favoritism now and farming hate from other servers, good move, I'm gonna buy so many packages now bro, I'm so motivated to spend my money on things others get for free